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The world of news and media is constantly changing. From The Wall Street Journal and the Washington Post, to the social media landscape like Instagram and Facebook,  how we find and engage with the news is different for everyone. And because London Real is a media company, we are always looking for ways to improve our game. That’s why we’re always so excited to have on some of the greatest legends of news and media and some of the rising stars.

Marketing is Everything

Join us as we talk to Rory Sutherland, the quintessential British adman. An icon in his field, Rory is the Vice Chairman of the advertising giant Ogilvy, and an expert on consumer behaviour and market trends. Or Ryan Holiday, the young and very successful American author, marketer, and entrepreneur who is widely known as the best media manipulator in the business.

We also talk to New Media experts who are forging their own paths like Louis Cole the British film-maker and YouTube personality who travels the world making videos of his experiences and has acquired millions of fans in the process. Or Brian Davis, AKA the True Geordie, who shot to fame in 2013 with a football video rant, that went viral. Since then he has become massive on YouTube, uploading regular videos about football, MMA, and popular culture, as well as creating the True Geordie Podcast.

Seek the Truth

Ever wonder what it’s like to be a war correspondent? Join Brian Rose and Christiane Amanpour, the Emmy Award-Winning, Chief International Correspondent for CNN and one of the world’s most respected figures in journalism. Christiane has reported on some of the worst atrocities in recent memory including Bosnia, Somalia, Rwanda, Iraq, and Afghanistan, as well as interviewed the world’s most powerful leaders from Tony Blair, to Jacques Chirac, and Yasser Arafat.

Or watch as Nick Davies talks about how he spent the best part of a decade investigating and writing about the phone-hacking practices of Rupert Murdoch’s paper. And then how he later brokered the deal between the Guardian and WikiLeaks that exposed this phone-hacking scandal.


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